Summers are usually the time for the student that is utilized in healing and having fun after a long hard working semester J , but some students choose the other path to complete the journey of their summer vacations.
Summer Internship allows you to work as a professional before you actually become one. A student has the opportunity to go to the office, unless one has opted for work from home internship, learn new skills while working in the organizational environment, and utilize the existing skills to get paid in some of the internships. Training and Internship are most popular among the graduates and undergraduates that take up the programs for a period of one to four months in order to gain practical knowledge or research related experience. KOAK Education has been providing the summer training modules for the last 4 years in various courses over the period of time. Internship and training can be done by the students all around the year as there are options of work from home and online courses for the students, but summer vacation is seen as the best time for doing the training as the time duration does not hamper the routine study of students.
A thought that crosses the mind of students is why a person would be willing to work or get summer training during the vacation when one can sit back home or can even leave for tours along with the family and friends. Some of the luring benefits that one has by doing the internship and enrolling for the training programs can be penned down as:
Internship increases the chances for you to secure a job as employers value relevant work experience.
Internship makes students realize as to what they are good at by working on different projects, tools.
Summer Training program assures the student with a much wider range of opportunities that they could look forward to.
Internship does offer money for you to work for them, thus there is an opportunity to earn cash by applying your skill set.
To concentrate at the bigger scenario internship and summer training usually helps to prepare a workforce that is ready to work with the industry once they are graduated, as this has a positive effect on the economy of the Nation in the long run. Along with the internship, another aspect that the students need to focus for getting a better opportunity to get employed is to take up the training program in the field of their choice and that in one way or the other is related to the current requirements of the industry. Summer training is focussed upon inculcating in the students the particular set of practical knowledge that is desired from the perspective of industries. KOAK Education has imparted training to more than 15k students, covering 45+ colleges all over the country. Because of the inability of the graduates to cope up with the present day requirements of the industry, the training of the students has become an integral part of the college curriculum activity as well.
About KOAK Education
KOAK stands for “Knowledge of all Knowledges”. A phrase picked from Bhagwat Gita which highlights, the importance of knowing oneself. Having known which there nothing more to be known is. Philosophy and all offerings of the company are based upon this principle. The company primarily deals in skilling individuals to make them employable and more effective in whatever they do. KOAK works with colleges and corporate.
The company specializes in Digital Marketing, Adobe and Oracle Technologies, IoT Lab Setup, Hadoop Ecosystem, Machine Learning and Training, and a few other specialized technical courses. KOAK also delivers customized campus recruitment training and PDP programs at colleges. KOAK has invested heavily and created a few very niche Management Development Programs and Faculty Development Programs.
While keeping scale in mind company also takes cognizance of the fact that a learner is not just a face, but a person whose ambitions are acknowledged and respected. Our effective feedback mechanism details out learner’s strengths make him or her aware of his mistakes gives him/her a chance of correcting them and documents his journey’s progress in his/her preparation.
Written by:
Mohd. Urfi Sheikh