We at KOAK Education believe that an unfulfilled life is a tragic loss. Very few are lucky to be a Mozart who found a passion for music at the age of three. Generally, we are not exposed to the choices in different fields.
Resolving your career dilemmas and issues can be a difficult process. Many students are clueless as to what job would satisfy them. Others may be struggling with a personal issue or problem they face due their background e.g. non-English educational background etc. that is preventing them from enjoying their life and performing at their best.
If you are one of these people, you could benefit from our help, guidance and support in the form of a career counsellor.
KOAK Education has an aim to create awareness among people about the difference between “Making a living” and “Making a life”. KOAK Education keeps conducting a number of free sessions and workshops in this regard every week.
If you are a student who wants to counsel us on career opportunities or has doubts on placement preparation, don’t hesitate to call us at “+91 7388431108“ or write an email to “ enquiries@koakeducation.com “. We would revert within 12 hours and schedule a discussion free of cost to guide you on your queries.
If you represent a school or college and want us to conduct a workshop to let the students know about the details of general recruitment processes and types of profiles and career growth possibilities in the companies. We would be happy to do so. Please call or write to us.